1333,23 RON

1333,23 RON
An inversion table is a fitness equipment that allows a person to hang upside down at a certain angle.
Item number: 200000454845
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1333,23 RON
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Item number: 200000454845 BI-2330

Extended delivery time delivery time 20 working days working days

It usually consists of a flat surface where the person lies, and a frame that can be tilted at different angles. The user secures their feet or ankles to the table and then turns to turn their body upside down.

Before beginning any exercise program, you should consult your physician to determine if you have any medical or physical conditions that could put your health and safety at risk or prevent you from using the equipment properly. Your doctor's advice is essential if you are taking medications that affect your heart rate, blood pressure, or cholesterol level.

This is extremely important for people with pre-existing conditions. Do not use the inversion table if you have any of the following conditions:
- Glaucoma, retinal detachment or conjunctivitis
- Pregnancy
- Spinal injuries, cerebral sclerosis or swollen joints
- Middle ear infection
- High blood pressure, hypertension, history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks
- Cardiac or circulatory disorders for which you are being treated.
- Hiatus hernia or ventral hernia
- Bone weakness, osteoporosis, unhealed fractures, modular pins or surgically implanted
- Orthopedic supports
- Use of anticoagulants, including aspirin in high doses

The inversion table offers a feeling of back relief and relaxation. Just a few minutes of exercise a day is enough to feel the positive effects of the unit.
It is safe - self-operating with a reversible mechanism.

The purpose of using the inversion table is to decompress the spine and provide relief from back pain or other related problem conditions. Daily use of the table for just a few minutes a day helps to manage stress, strengthen muscles, and relieve back and low back pain and tension.

Here are some potential benefits of using the table :

Spinal decompression : In everyday life, a person shrinks up to 1.90 cm per day from waking up to falling asleep. The reason for this is the so-called spinal (back) compression due to the influence of gravity. The inversion table protects and prevents this process by stretching the spine, creating decompression that reduces pressure on the vertebrae and discs. The table not only relieves pain but also releases pinched or compressed vertebrae.
Improved joint health: Inversion beds can also help improve joint health, especially in the hips, knees and ankles. By hanging upside down, gravity can help stretch and move joints, reducing pressure and inflammation.
Increased flexibility: Inversion loungers can help increase flexibility by stretching the muscles and joints in the body. This can be especially helpful for those who sit at a desk or engage in activities that cause stiffness.
Improved circulation: reverse gravity renews circulation and blood access to all organs. Hanging down improves oxygen flow and reduces strain on the organs.

Purification: inversion helps to renew and purify the lymphatic system. The lymphatic arrangement is entirely bottom-up and through Inversion Therapy is generally considered safe for most people, but there are some potential risks you should know.

The inversion table can be a useful tool for people who suffer from chronic back pain or other related conditions, but it is not a substitute for proper medical care. If you are experiencing persistent or severe back pain, it is important to seek medical attention and explore all of your options for proper treatment.

People with certain conditions should avoid this type of treatment. Here are some groups that should be careful or not use these devices and treatments at all:
Pregnant women: Inversion therapies can increase blood pressure and affect blood flow to the uterus, which can be harmful to both mother and baby.
People with high blood pressure: Inversion therapy can raise blood pressure, and those with hypertension may experience a sudden spike in their blood pressure, leading to serious health complications.
People with heart disease: Inversion therapy can increase the workload on the heart, which can be harmful to those with heart disease.
People with glaucoma: Inversion therapy can increase pressure in the eyes, which can be dangerous for those with glaucoma.
People with spinal injuries: People with spinal injuries or conditions such as osteoporosis should avoid inversion therapy as it can worsen their condition.
People with obesity: Inversion therapy can put excessive pressure on joints, which can be harmful for those who are overweight or obese.
People who have had recent surgery: Those who have had recent surgery should avoid inversion therapy, as it can put excessive strain on healing tissues and lead to complications or tears.
- Once the body is attached to the table it is turned upside down, i.e. the legs are above the head. By rotating the action of gravity the load on the intervertebral discs and spine is released. At the same time, blood flow to the back area increases, which also contributes to the release of tension.
- Large handles help the user reach a comfortable position and rotation
- Safety belt, for your safety
- Adjustable recliner height allows you to reach the correct position
- Pedals with adjustable ankle straps for added comfort and support
- Unit weight: 24.50 kg (gross)
- Dimensions when assembled: 120 x 60 x 140 cm
- Dimensions when folded: 70 x 70 x 181 cm
- Packing dimensions: 131 x 77.5 x 14 cm
- Maximum user weight: 135 kg
