55,22 RON 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% Regular price

55,22 RON 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% Regular price
One of the lightest figure eights on the market, our Standard Figure Eight offers a smooth rappel with minimal impact on the rope. The secret to rappelling on a figure eight without twisting the rope is to always feed the rope from directly below—never hold the rope off to the side or at an angle.
Item number: 200000351829
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55,22 RON 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 78,89 RON -30% Regular price
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Item number: 200000351829 CAMP-092801

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• Offers a smooth rappel with minimal impact on the rope.
• The secret to rappelling on a figure eight without twisting the rope is to always feed the rope from directly below—never hold the rope off to the side or at an angle.
• Rope diameter min – 8 mm; max – 13 mm
• Weight: 110 g