122,13 RON152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20% Regular price
30,53 RON Difference
122,13 RON152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20% Regular price
30,53 RON Difference
With a minimalist design, adjustable soft strap and wider cap, the ACTIVE HANDHELD makes drinking easier, eliminates spillage and shrinks as you drink to limit water bounce. Carry enough water for your run and nothing else.
122,13 RON152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20%
The lowest price in the last 30 days*152,67 RON -20% Regular price
30,53 RON Difference