293,11 RON 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 458,00 RON -36% Regular price

293,11 RON 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 458,00 RON -36% Regular price
The Giannis Immortality 4 is for the multi-faceted player. The sleek, supportive heel shape is combined with an upgraded traction pattern from the previous iteration to help keep you making all those game-changing plays. Basketball Shoes.
Item number: 200000721623
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293,11 RON 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 297,69 RON -2% The lowest price in the last 30 days* 458,00 RON -36% Regular price
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Item number: 200000721623 NIKE-FQ3680

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• The new, sleek heel shape is padded for support when coming to sudden stops.
• We've upgraded the traction pattern to Giannis's standards, giving you and the Greek Freak better court feel and mobility when cutting and moving at high speeds.
• An internal containment system allows you to control every movement once you lace up.